Friday, 3 February 2017

Mobile Application Testing

In the fast growing world the mobile phone is not only a device to make and receive telephone calls but also a multipurpose personal gadget.

There are more technological improvement and the propagation on mobile devices with different Operating Systems like Apple iOS, Andriod, Windows Phone, Blackberry, Symbian etc. In the fast growing world there are new challenges for hardware manufactures to stay in the competition.

Also the application developer needs to deliver best Apps over variety of platforms within a quick time.

What is Mobile Application Testing and Why it is needed?

In highly fragmented and competitive global market the mobile development cycle is of short period. For the vendor’s equanimity and overwhelming task to ensure long term success, the APP must be tested over different combination of platforms, operating systems and networks before launching to global.

In addition to this, similar to Functional testing the non-functional testing like Security testing, usability testing etc. also plays an important role. The effective test planning in Mobile Application testing makes helps to improve the quality of Mobile Apps.

Now we are going to explore how to achieve the mobile application quality and get better competence on mobile testing.

We are also learning on what Mobile Automation is and what the challenges in Mobile Application Test Automation? Many testers are confused about Approaches for Native and Hybrid Mobile Apps, so this discussion will shed some light on this as well.

In the market there are different varieties of Mobile Automation Tools available, however each mobile automation tools has its own advantages and disadvantages.

As a result, we will see “What are the Key Principles for selecting the right Automation tool for Mobile Apps Testing?”

The mobile automation testing is extremely efficient approach to test the Mobile Applications which gives us the considerable returns if you choose right tools for Mobile Test Automation.